Funded Projects

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Problem Statement

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted in-person programmes for children with special needs, and SPED schools have to balance completing their academic objectives with extra-curricular programmes. These makes it challenging for children to have the opportunity to develop social and communication skills.


The Starlight Programme caters to children with special needs, featuring fun and exciting songs, rhymes and activities and an exploration into music concepts, as well as comprises of a chior that aims to inspire interested children to achieve a high level of choral excellence.


The Starlight Programme seeks to:

- Create opportunities to enable children with special needs to interact with others and develop their social and communication skills in a fun manner

- Inspire children with special needs to achieve high-level choral excellence

- Raise public awareness that children with special needs can achieve high-level choral excellence

- Provide caregivers respite and bonding

  • Grantee

    Venture Music Asia Ltd
  • Beneficiaries

    Persons with Disabilites

more about grantee

Voices of Singapore (managed by Venture Music Asia Ltd.) is the nation’s largest singing organisation, with over 500 singers participating in over 20 programmes, ranging from award-winning choirs to community and corporate programmes. VOS is a registered arts charity. The artistic team consisting of Ms Tham Pei Wen and Mr Darius Lim who both have wealth of experience in working with children with special needs, as well as having conducted award-winning choirs in neurotypical school choirs.

The administrative team consisting of Mr Mervyn Ye and Mr Gabriel Ching will oversee the creation and dissemination of activity materials to participants, engage with participants and their families to collect regular feedback for improvements to be made.